Updates on Instruction!
Hi FamiLEE,
Thank you so much for filling out the Needs Assessment Survey- I have enjoyed meeting with you one on one and setting goals to meet your needs!! (I have not finished meeting with you all that requested this nine weeks, so if I haven't gotten to you- I will!)
I have been off campus a few days this month learning new strategies/take aways you all could implement in your spaces. Please feel free to book me to learn more about the following ideas:
Quality Questioning-
With our campus goal on focusing on quality questioning, this document might be helpful to store in your grade level's planning folder to ensure you are planning out quality questions. Also, I came across these question stems you could post in your space to remind you of those rigorous questions stems for instruction delivery.
Differentiation on Menus-
If you are wanting to increase the rigor in your "Menus". We have resources titled "Differentiating Instruction with Menus" in each subject. Please book me so I can dig through this resource with you, and we can start differentiating our menus!
Formative Assessments:
Shari and I will be hosting a FEDEX on embedding formative assessments in your spaces. If you would like a jump start on this, here are some examples of formative assessments- book me to help you with this!
Grammar Talks by Jeff Anderson-
Kristen, Jess, and I were able to attend Jeff Anderson's Pattern of Power Process training focusing on Grammar Talks. Here are our notes. Snapshot of a Grammar Talk- It is a five day ~10 minute mini-lesson focusing on one quality-written sentence from your read-aloud (the same sentence throughout the week). Each day has a different purpose and allows the learners to discover the grammar focus. Here is an outline of what each day looks like, and an example attached to the end. We will be hosting a training on this at December 7th's Faculty Meeting, so stay tuned! :) Book me to help you implement this into your space!!
Update on Number Talks-
The purpose of Number Talks is to build flexibility, accuracy, and efficiency with numbers for all learners. It is important to plan a number talk so it is purposeful to your learners. When crafting a problem as the focus of a number talk consider: 1) Does the problem lend itself to mental math? Numbers should be friendly enough to manipulate without pencil and paper. If multiple steps are required, the numbers should be easy to retain as learners process through the math. 2) Are there multiple strategies for solving the problem? 3) Be purposeful in the STRATEGY. Does the number talk allow learners to build on the strategies used in the previous Number Talk? I will be checking out the Number Talk book to your house, so it is easy access for you to pull strings of Number Talks. Here are some read aloud books that will transition into Number Talks.
Innovator's Mindset-
Just a friendly reminder to make sure you have read Chapters 1-3 in of Innovator's Mindset. We will be hosting a *SLOW* Twitter chat, beginning Tuesday November 1st through Friday, November 4th. Check out the directions for our Slow Twitter Chat here<https://docs.google.com/a/g.coppellisd.com/document/d/1XC86fMsYn4KTySc_FGFokVJWnyGsGDZuAQxCaWG_FOI/edit?usp=sharing>. Can't wait to grow together virtually through the Innovator's Mindset book study!
Again, I really would LOVE it if you scheduled me to come plan, model, co-teach, with you all!! THANKS!!