Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, FamiLEE!
I just wanted to say thank you for your support last nine weeks. It was great to work with many of you on your goals that we filled out on the Needs Assessment Survey. I have created a new survey for the new nine weeks here, if you wouldn't mind filling it out; I would GREATLY appreciate it. Please do not feel obligated to book me yet if this is a busy season in your space- we can focus on it when things calm down or next nine weeks. I do not want to overwhelm you!
Thank you for welcoming me into your spaces this past nine weeks. Thank you for booking me in your spaces to co-teach the new resources we have received, helping out with integrating CBL into your instruction, re-designing your ELAR and Math Block and menus, planning out quality questioning into your instruction, videoing to improve instruction, figuring out new systems to have active engagement, and many more other bookings! I have truly LOVED learning with you, so I appreciate you all for booking me!
During next week's FedEx, one idea you could do is to watch these videos about grammar talks to help you design how you wish to integrate it in your lesson design. Here is the folder of a week long Grammar Talks. Thank you Cassie!!! (my video taking skills need to grow- so please forgive me :)) .
Here is another week example of Grammar Talks.
Day 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzJeJPgg0iA
Day 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svpJoT_ioho
Day 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jJ1j0DFwu8
Day 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dKSqzhGFdo
Day 5:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXEVb-rB6HU
PLEASE book me to help you plan out a grammar talk, co-teach with you on grammar talks, or just model one for a week. I would be thrilled to do any and all of this!!!
As you fill out this nine weeks Needs Assessment Survey and are struggling to come up with ideas... from a previous blog are a few suggestions; but this is not a restricted list. I would LOVE to learn and GROW with you on ANYTHING.
-Lesson Designs (Utilize resources-MIND Missions, Vocabulary Cards, Lucy Calkins, The Next Step in GR, LoneSTAAR Problem Solving, Write From the Beginning, Foss Kits, etc.)
-Instruction Delivery (brainstorming quality questioning, assessments, differentiation, authenticity)
-Assessing BOY, DRA, Math, Writing
-Data (analyzing learners' data, pulling specific data,)
-Co-Teaching Lessons
-Reflection on a lesson (script/video your lesson/extra set of eyes and ears and reflect)
-Vertically Align lessons with multi-grade levels
-Prepare RTI lesson interventions
-Create learner goals
-CBL integration
-Modeling Lessons
-Integration of technology, media center, ELLs, & SPED (will work with Alli, Melinda, Claudia, Amanda, and Shari)
--Enrichment of lessons (extending lessons, will work with Ayesha)
-Classroom motivation and management strategies
-Setting up any subject guiding activities
-Creating SMART goals for grade and house
-Learning Walks to observe other designers
-Encouragement and emotional support
I am excited to work with you all this nine weeks! Have a great rest of our SHORT week!