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Using the ONLINE Write Source Program with your learners

I was brainstorming with Sam ways to keep learners engaged while teaching grammar. We explored the ONLINE Write Source program, and it has lots of engaging components to it.

Once you are logged in, you are able to select a grammar topic; and when the learner logs in they are able to watch a mini lesson, video, practice activity, game, and then a quiz that sends the designer graded assignments. An example is below:

You can track your learners progress and get their graded assignment, an example is below:

If you haven't logged on to Write Source before:

-Use your district email to log into the program

-Once there, select 'forgot my password', enter your email and Write Source will send you an email on how to reset your password.

- This will auto all your learners accounts under your name

*Should you have any questions or issues with logging in, book me or we can put in a technology helpdesk ticket.

I would love to help you integrate this in your day. Please book me!!

Have a great rest of your day!!

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