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Strengthening our PLC campus by finding the purpose of our Team Times together

We made it through out first round of Team Time. I hope I was clear on the focuses/purpose of our time together during Team Time so that your time is purposeful, and we are all on the same page.

Here is my presentation incase you want to add it somewhere to keep your House/Grade Team Times on track and focused on Learning for All.

If you are still a little confused- no worries, let me know and I can help! As we begin our focuses in Team Time, I will help facilitate those!

Here is a podcast that talks about the importance of the difference between PLC and PWC. I encourage you listen to the 10 minute podcast- and please feel free to comment, ask a question, anything on my website!

I am excited as we progress in our journey as a PLC campus! When we are focused on Common Assessments in Team Time- it could be very helpful to use this resource that our campus got over the summer:

Looking forward to Round 2 of Team Time.

As always, please let me know if you need anything!

Have a great rest of your week! :)


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